
WELCOME to the Shambhala Meditation Group of
Cuenca Ecuador.
We are thrilled to be open to the public at
Calle Larga 11.43 at Miguel Ullauri, across from
Mercado 10 de Agosto
First floor, up one flight.

Please note that updated info is best obtained by sending mail to [email protected]




Every Sunday at 10.30 EC time
For meditation instructions, please come at 10.00,
and also see below.
For general information,
contact us on
[email protected]
WhatsApp 0982848203

This program is open to everyone, with or without experience in meditation. Usually we do some chanting in English and Spanish, using texts from the Shambhala tradition. There may also be a reading. Then we practice sitting meditation, followed by walking meditation, followed by another period of sitting meditation. After the program, all are invited to have lunch together in a nearby restaurant.


Our BOOK STUDY group meets weekly on ZOOM.
Join us every Tuesday at 3.30 pm Cuenca time (EST). Contact [email protected] for links, and all the details

The present books are The Claw of Attraction, by the Dalai Lama’s cat (and David Michie), and Drawdown by Paul Hawken


Basic Meditation Instructions – please scroll down, and  come Sundays at 10.00 to our center for in-person instructions. 


Celebrating Isabelle and Keith! 
Thanks a million for many months of hosting in your beautiful apartment during pandemic times.

Le Petit Jardin, Dec. 4, 2022

Start with an attitude of friendliness and loving kindness toward yourself. Then, if you’re able, take an upright posture, on a cushion on the floor or in a chair, with the spinal column vertical. Notice your body sensations and be aware of any feelings that arise (such as anxiety, tiredness, anger, passion, boredom, indifference, etc.). Begin to completely identify with your natural breathing, in and out, maintaining some awareness of your body/posture. When thoughts or emotions arise, taking you away from the present moment, you simply notice them, without any judgement. Simply label the thought/emotion as “thinking” and return to awareness of your body breathing. Sitting meditation is a practice of simply being, touching into your awareness of that being, and letting go without trying to attain anything.

For walking meditation, take the same approach, except place attention on your feet as they touch the earth, and your legs moving through space. Join the hands at waist level and walk at a speed only slightly slower than normal (see photo).

Traditionally it’s believed that merit is accrued by meditating. In Shambhala, we dedicate this merit to the benefit of all beings, using the closing text below. Feel free to use it, or any other of your choosing:

“May basic goodness dawn;
May the confidence of goodness be eternal;
May that goodness be all-victorious;
May that goodness bring profound, brilliant glory.”

“By this merit may all attain omniscience.
May it defeat the enemy, wrong-doing.
From the stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness, and death,
From the ocean of samsara, may I free all beings.”

Links for instructions:

Meditation instructions are available free online with Senior Teacher Donna Williams at

Pema Chodron Guided Meditation —

Shambhala International follows the tradition of Pema Chödrön and our founder Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. See About Shambhala above for more information.

When in-person meetings resume, cushions and chairs will be provided and an umdze (leader) will guide the program. For meditation instructions before your first visit, you’re invited to watch Shastri Donna Williams’s at < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBTOqyUtX-0 >
or Ani Pema Chödron’s instructions at
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmthYcJ2FCA >

Photos from past Cuenca Shambhala activities

Sitting Together

Walking Together = Enlightened Society


Enlightened Society + Basic Goodness = A Really Good Time Together

Sunday morning practice is terribly serious



Post-meditation almuerzo – lots of basic goodness

January 2020
Workshops in Shambhala Buddhist Practice, Levels 1 and 2 with
Senior Teacher Tom Adducci of  Shambhala International

February and March, 2019
A free public talk by Shastri Donna Williams from SHAMBHALA INTERNATIONAL
Natural Wakefulness
Using mindfulness and the environment
to help us appreciate each moment of our lives.
Workshops in Shambhala Buddhist Practice

Taught by Shastri Donna Williams from Shambhala International.
Three separate levels on three weekends: Feb. 8, Feb. 16, March 2.